Getting Things Done and Henry Ford
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Getting Things Done and Henry Ford
One of life's great journeys is that of developing a concept from an initial idea, all the way through to a working solution. I think this is nicely captured in Henry Ford's quote-
"Vision without execution is just hallucination".
Difficult things require effort; we need to take risks, challenge ourselves and bring others along with us before any vision, big or small, can materialise. Any new concept or idea then has to be shared, understood and appreciated by the broader audience before it can be fully embraced. Without everyone heading in the same direction as the vision, it is very difficult to get the traction required to reach the point of execution – actually creating something real and workable.
Often in business, it is not the concept of the innovation that is the difficult part – in fact, it is gaining alignment from those who stand to benefit from its implementation, as this can often mean different things to different people.
Looking for barriers to progress is always easier than working through the solutions. For the innovation and improvement to flourish, the energy and vision must work together to align everyone. Another great insight from Mr Ford-
"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you are probably right"
At Maxiloda, a successful project is always preceded by an alignment of values; it sets us apart from merely being another product supplier. We're driven by our purpose: to leave the world in a better state than we found it and seek partners who strive for the same.
Henry, once again, saw it clearly when he stated.
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."
At Maxiloda, we couldn't agree more, so if you're looking for a like-minded business partner who is entirely invested in your success - reach out today and let's start our journey together.
Maxiloda Team - Your partner for life